Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

Kingdom of Thailand, where my cousins will be this Labour Day, while I humbly celebrate it within the confinement of my 4 walls, grilling information about Britain's NHS, Northern Ireland's conflict etc and that's if only my determination sees me through it. I can't wait to get to Indonesia next weekend although it's just taking one step out of Sg. It beats suffocating here anytime. I need to experience the joy of life again.

Anyway, English MYE tmr, so I shall be good and turn in now instead of continuing this mindless post of no relation to the title which fails to interest even the writer herself, much less any reader. Check out Jason Mraz's for mindful ones. zZZZ.

P.S. I feel like strangling Nate!!! Nvm if you don't get me, you'll when catch Ep 22.

Spankin' 16th to Turtle/Fatty/Azimah!!! \m/